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This extensive self study course with 5 modules is the perfect way to learn how get relief from the most common cancer symptoms and for dietitians and nutritionists, you'll learn how to optimally support your oncology patients.  Get all the latest evidence based cancer nutrition information you need to increase your skill set or to satisfy your learning needs. 120 pages of evidence based content with interactive learning and videos, 25+ unbranded recipes with nutrition info and teaching sheets you can customize for your practice. It's fun, engaging and educational! If you're a person with cancer, loved one of someone with cancer, new RD, a nutritionist just starting to work with oncology clients or someone who's been in the field for years, this self study course is the perfect way to boost your confidence and make it easy to effectively help you or your patients get relief from the most common cancer symptoms. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Cancer Nutrition Ultimate Guide to Symptom Relief

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